Dear Friends-
This year as part of our schooling process, we have been reading a funny book called FLAT STANLEY by Jeff Brown. The book is about a young boy named Stanley who is accidently squished "as flat as a pancake" when a bulletin board falls on him. Stanley is very, very flat, but otherwise fine. The story goes on to tell how Stanley discovers some real advantages to being flat. He slide under doors, go down into sidewalk grates and even fold himself up small enough to fit into an envelope and be mailed to California for an exciting vacation.
Normally, people send out paper dolls that we call FLAT STANLEY to visit cities all over America and the WORLD.
I am proposing something a bit different. I uploaded a Flat Stanley that my son Noah has colored. I am wondering if anyone would be willing to print one of these off and cut it out and be FLAT STANLEY's "host family"and do a few of the following...
1. Tell us what exciting things FLAT STANLEY saw or did while he was visiting you.
2. Tell us what city, State and Country FLAT STANLEY went to, so we can calculate the number miles FLAT STANLEY travelled in cyber space!
3. Please dress FLAT STANLEY to reflect the season you are in, or an activity that he did or other clothing that would tell us more about where you live.
4. Please e-mail me any photographs that you may take of FLAT STANLEY doing the activities you and your family does.
The project for Noah is completed on November 6. I may do this again after Christmas just to give my children a bit more geography and other skills.
Thank you for considering this project! Scroll down for more projects - this will remain towards the top for a few days!
WOW you homeschool! Kudos to you! This sounds like a wonderful project!
Cute, cute, cute! I'll print him out as soon as I get my printer woring...
We just sent our Stanley out... it is going all the way to Franklin, a whole 20 minutes away.LOL! We have done this already with our only out of state family and I didn't feel right asking them again! Good luck! I like the approach.
Chrissy, though my life is less than thrilling and Flat Stanley may be a tad bit bored, I'd love to participate in the project!
Do I do it for a specified period of time (like a week) or is it from now until just before Nov 6 when it is due? E-me: stampin-de-va AT bellsouth DOT net.
Chris I am willing to do this also just email me the details
We'd love to play along. Email me with the details...as a reminder ;).
Great idea!
Count me in!! I've just brought Flat Stnaley to life because he has school today with my daughter in Sunny Florida!!!
more to come!
I will take Stanley out leaf peeping in New England this weekend!
If you would like Flat Stanley to come over to UK just email me with the information about dressing him etc...never heard of him before (sorry)
Now, about moos! A moo is smaller than an ATC card, it is 2.8 x 7cms
and it is filled as an ATC card would be, i.e. your own idea, or following a theme, as I do in the challenge on my blog. Luv Ed xx
Hi Cindy: do you need any more participants for Flat Stanley? If so, please email me with the detes & I'll be glad to help you out.
Hi Cindy...my son is a Cub Scout, 9yrs old. We are doing our annual food drive this weekend & next. I printed out Flat Stanley (my son has also read many of the books) to take him along. Will send you some pictures!!
Hey, Flat Stanley visited here several years ago when a school picked our community and then found a phone book, called the Chamber of Commerce and asked who would be a great diverse Flat Stanley host. Mr. Doug Reighard was the designee! He actually involved Stanley in scads and scads of events from day trips to foreign events to work crew daily life and calm nights with a kitty. Call Doug,Roundup, MT, for some deets and a whole lot of pic goooood description of Flat Stanley and his return in person with Doug to the school children who included Doug as a host. Such stories to tell! Keep Looking UP!
Hey, Chris, where do I locate a Michael's coupon for this week?
Thanks for info on last week!
This sounds like a great idea! You are a very clever girl!! I will try to remember to print this out and do this when I install my new printer!
I was wondering if you ever got my Flat Stanley submittal. And wondered how the project went overall?
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