Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Grilled Cinnamon Peaches Recipe - Weight Watchers

Grilled Cinnmon Peaches - recipe from WW
3 serving butter-flavor cooking spray
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
4 large peach(es), peeled, halved and pitted
Off heat, lightly coat grill grate with cooking spray; preheat grill to medium-high heat.
Sprinkle cinnamon evenly over cut sides of peaches; lightly coat with cooking spray.
Place peaches on grill, cut side down. Grill until browned and slightly softened, about 5 minutes. (For best results, do not move the peaches during grilling; this will ensure the attractive grill marks and keep the peaches from sticking to the grill.)
Turn peaches over and grill on other side for about 3 minutes more; serve warm. Yields 2 peach halves per serving.

Did you know? Why do People Use Cinnamon?
Besides using it in cooking, cinnamon is also thought to have health benefits. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cassia cinnamon is used for colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and painful menstrual periods. It's also believed to improve energy, vitality, and circulation and be particularly useful for people who tend to feel hot in their upper body but have cold feet.
In Ayurveda, cinnamon is used as a remedy for diabetes, indigestion, and colds, and it is often recommended for people with the kapha Ayurvedic type.
It's a common ingredient in chai tea, and it is believed to improve the digestion of fruit, milk and other dairy products.

What is the Scientific Evidence for Cinnamon's Health Benefits?

Recent studies have found that cinnamon may have a beneficial effect on blood sugar.
One of the first human studies was published in 2003 in a medical journal called Diabetes Care. Sixty people with type 2 diabetes took 1, 3, or 6 grams of cinnamon in pill form daily, an amount roughly equivalent to one quarter of a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon.
After 40 days, all 3 amounts of cinnamon reduced fasting blood glucose by 18 to 29%, triglycerides by 23 to 30%, LDL cholesterol by 7 to 27%, and total cholesterol by 12 to 26%.

My mom told me some of that information - she is soooo smart! Not that I would have thought that as a teenager, but now that I am the ripe old age of 39, I can appreciate her more. :)

Now - I weigh in on Fridays and I have held onto my weigh in information due to just over all busyness. Last week's weigh in went quite well! I was down 1 pound.

This week has been rough emotionally. You would think that from reading posts the past few months that my life is full of drama. It normally isn't but we are on a wild ride lately! So with all of this drama - junk food has been calling me like crazy! In my head, I have been saying, while I do not have control of my circumstances - I can control what is going into my mouth! YIPPEE - VICTORY I haven't caved and ate the box of cookies that I wanted to devour!

Thanks for listening. Have a great day!


Lorie said...

This sounds yummy! Thanks!

Anna Banana said...

Awesome Recipe share!! I used to do WW - I lost a lot of weight on it...I'll have to try this recipe next week!